Sunday 20 March 2011

Sayings of Allah (swt) on Wilayat & Imamat


أن جبرائيل عليه السلام نزل على النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) ، فقال : يا محمد السلام يقرئك السلام ويقول : خلقت السماوات السبع وما فيهن ، والأرضين السبع ومن عليهن ، وما خلقت موضعا أعظم من الركن والمقام ، ولو أن عبدا دعاني هناك منذ خلقت السماوات والأرضين ثم لقيني جاحدا لولاية علي لكببته في سقر

“I have created the seven heavens and whatever is in them the seven layers of earth and whatever is on them. And have not created place greater than Rukn & Makaan. And if any of my servants calls upon me since the time I have created the heavens and the earth and meets me in such a state that he does not believe in the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as)  then I will surely put him in hell."

Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.69, Pg.133 / Sawaab-ul-Amaal Pg.189


 و إني جعلت عليا (ع) علما للإيمان فمن أحبه و اتبعه كان هاديا و من تركه و أبغضه كان ضالا إنه لا يحبه إلا مؤمن و لا يبغضه إلا مناف

“Beware that I have declared Imam Ali (as) as the sign of guidance. So whoever follows him is guided and whoever rejects him is misguided. None will love him except a believer and none will have enmity towards him except a hypocrite.

Source: Irshad Al Quloob Vol.1, Pg.123


فبعزتي حلفت و بجلالي قسمت أنه لا يتولى عليا عبد من عبادي إلا زحزحته عن النار و أدخلته الجنة و لا يبغضه عبد من عبادي و يعدل عن ولايته إلا أبغضته و أدخلته النار و بئس المصير

“By my dignity and glory I sweare that none from amongst my servants well love Ali (as) but that I will protect him from the fire (of hell) and will enter him in heaven. And none from amongst my servants will have His (as) enmity but that he will be My enemy and will put him in the fire (of hell) and that(hell) is a bad place.

Source: Oyoon Akhbar Alridha Vol.2, Pg. 48  


عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و اله ان الله عهد الي في علي عهدا فقلت يا رب بينه لي قال اسمع ان علي رايه الهدى و امام اوليائي ونور من اطاعني و هو الكلمه التي الزمتها المتقين من احبه فقد اخبني و من اطاعه فقد اطاعني فبشرة بذلك

“Ali ibn abi Talib is the standard of guidance and the Imam of my friends and light for those who obey me. And He (Ali) is that word (kalma) which has been made obligatory on the pious. The one who loves him loves me and the one who has enmity with him had enmity with me. O Muhammad give these tidings to him (Ali).”

Source: Basharatul Mustafa le Shiyate Murtuza Pg. 66  & Amali - sheikh Sadooq, Assembly 72


 ولاية علي بن أبي طالب حصني، فمن دخل حصني أمن من ناری (عذابي)

“Wilayat of Imam Ali (as) is my fort, so whoever enters my fort is safe from the fire (of hell).

Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.39, Pg.247  


علي بن أبي طالب حجتي على خلقي، وديان ديني، أخرج من صلبه أئمة يقومون بأمرى، ويدعون إلى سبيلي، بهم أدفع البلاء عن عبادي، وبهم انزل من رحمتي

“Ali bn abi Talib is My Proof on My creations and the guardian of my religion. I will bring forth Imams from his progeny who will establish with my authority and will call towards my path. Through them I will keep away my punishment from my servants and through them will bestow my mercy.

Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.36, Pg.244  


 يامحمد أنت عبدي وأنا ربك فلي فاخضع وإياي فاعبد وعلي فتوكل وبي فثق فاني قد رضيت بك عبدا وحبيبا ورسولا ونبيا وبأخيك علي خليفة وبابا فهو حجتي على عبادي وإمام لخلقي به يعرف أوليائي من أعدائي وبه يميز حزب الشيطان من حزبي وبه يقام ديني وتحفظ حدودي وتنفذ أحكامي وبك وبه بالائمة من ولدك أرحم عبادي وإمائي وبالقائم منكم أعمر أرضي بتسبيحي وتقديسي وتهليلي وتكبيري وتمجيدي وبه اطهر الارض من أعدائي واورثها أوليائي وبه أجعل كلمة الذين كفروا بي السفلى وكلمتي العليا ، به احيي بلادي وعبادي بعلمي وله اظهر الكنوز والذخاير بمشيتي وإياه اظهر على الاسرار والضماير بارادتي وامده بملائكتي لتؤيده على إنفاذ أمري  وإعلان ديني ذلك وليي حقا ومهدي عبادي صدقا

“O Muhammad (saww), You are my Abd and I am your lord. Worship Me only and rely upon Me. I am satisfied that You are my Abd, My Beloved, My Prophet and My Messenger. And am satisfied that your brother Ali (as) is the caliph and the door. He (Ali a.s) is My Proof over My servants and is the Imam for My creations. Through him (Ali a.s.) My friends and My Enemies are made known. And through him the army of satan is distinguished from My army. By him My religion will be established and My laws will be implemented and My boundaries will be protected. And by you (Muhammad) and by him (Ali) and by the Imams on his progeny will bestow mercy on my servants and through Imam Qaim (as) will establish My tasbeeh, Tahleel, taqdees, takbeer, tamjeed on my land. And through him (Qaim) will purify the earth from my enemies and will make my friends the inheritors of the earth. And through him will bring down the Kalima of the kafirs (disbelievers) and will raise My kalima. And through him will give life to my servants and to my cities.
And through him will bring out the treasures by My will. And by My decision will make the secrets known to him (Qaim). And will assist him by My angels do that he can establish my authority and make known my religion. He (Qaim) is my true Wali and truly the Guided One (Mehdi) in my servants.”

Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.51, Pg.66  


لواجتمع الناس كلهم على ولاية علي ما خلقت النار

“If everyone had gathered on the Wilayat of Ali (as) I would not have created Fire (Hell).”

Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.39, Pg247

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